weight loss motivation plan

Many girls are not happy with their figure and want to lose extra pounds, but losing weight in a matter of days is impossible. There are many ways to lose weight, and surely one of them will be necessary, suitable, but without motivation, success will not be possible.

Motivation techniques in the initial stage.

a girl with a slim figure as a motivation to lose weight

To lose weight, girls select a special nutrition system, and also begin to engage in physical activity. Of course, not everyone can withstand such a regimen, so it is very important to pay attention to such a psychological aspect as motivation to lose weight, which will help you not to lose control and achieve your goal.

Many girls, wanting to get rid of excess weight, give up in the middle because they have a vague idea of what they are looking for. This is one of the most common mistakes. Only by understanding why exactly you are losing weight can you achieve real results.

The motivation to lose weight is a push, the first step towards the desired goal. Indecisive and insecure girls must develop an acceptable plan of action. Realize that ahead is hard and hard work. It is important to prepare, join will and physical effort. The receptions are different. The simplest and most effective:

  1. Quotes, phrases. Write, hang in front of you positive and inspiring phrases. Look and talk out loud when you want to eat another serving of tasty but unhealthy food.
  2. Audio recording. Record simple affirmations on the recorder, listening daily: "I don't want to be fat anymore and I won't contradict the plan", "I will lose weight, because only taking care of the body will lead to beauty. "
  3. Images. Visualization for many is an effective technique. It is recommended to hang before your eyes images (photos) of slender female models, like a dream come true, the examples of which inspire all women. A good motivation for girls is a photo of handsome men whom you want to win over and start changing for the better.
  4. Promise. Why not promise loved ones to give a certain amount of money (value) if at least one element of the plan is not completed by a certain date and a few kilograms are not lowered?
  5. Cloth. Buy nice and fashionable clothes, but one size smaller. This will serve as a reason: to try something on after losing weight.
  6. Enthusiasm. Finding a hobby is a great motivator that will constantly distract you from the desire to eat something delicious, but forbidden.
  7. Support, praise. If loved ones begin to support and inspire at the initial stage, then the diet will be easy, without interruptions.
  8. Criticism, condemnation of others. The reception is harsh, but for some people it is strong, encouraging them to take drastic measures.
  9. Fear, depression. Many women fear anorexia with consequences or the departure of a loved man.
  10. Success stories. An excellent position to lose weight when you have to listen to how people achieve their goals and only thanks to perseverance, great willpower.
  11. Gifts are rewards. You can start pampering yourself by buying small gifts at regular intervals.

It is worth considering the advice of a psychologist, since success is achieved by those people whose motivations turn out to be the strongest. You need to take 2-3 external and internal motivators as a basis, combining the desire to feel the lightness, the lightness of your body, and at the same time the dream of losing weight.

goal setting

Without set goals, the desire to lose weight quickly disappears. They must be real and clearly defined. You don't need to set high standards for yourself trying to lose a dozen pounds in a matter of days. It should be understood that this is unrealistic and can only undermine your health. It is recommended to determine the goal that the woman wants to achieve. Weigh the pros and cons, the pros and cons of losing weight. To create super motivation, it is recommended to set short-term goals:

  • try on a smaller dress for the appointed date (after 3 months);
  • ahead is an important event and you need to have time to lose weight;
  • spring is coming and there is little time left, but losing 2-3 kg is quite real;
  • high levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. This is bad, we need to achieve the normalization of indicators.

It is worth making a plan on a sheet of paper, dividing it into 2 columns. In one, write down the negative aspects of extra pounds (the inability to undress on the beach, put on beautiful clothes), in the other - the potential benefits that you will get if you still manage to get rid of annoying kilograms.

punishment and encouragement

It will be much easier to lose weight if a woman controls her laziness. To make the process of losing weight more interesting, it should be turned into a game in which it is permissible to involve friends and family. It is recommended to develop a system of rewards and punishments.

Reward yourself:

  • for a day well spent, you can visit a beauty salon, a massage parlor, a museum, a dolphinarium;
  • put a certain amount of money in a piggy bank if the changes are noticeable;
  • organize a day off with a trip outside the city and even to another country, if you manage to achieve impressive results by the scheduled date.

Examples of punishments:

  • refusal of entertainment and purchases;
  • perform daily cleaning, such as cargo;
  • giving money to her husband, friends.

You can motivate yourself to lose weight by encouraging, not forgetting the main goal - to keep emotions, psychological problems and possible breakdowns under strict control.

Old photos and favorite clothes - in prominent places

Many women, looking at the photos of the ideal images of fashion models, imagine how much work you need to invest to achieve similar body proportions. Each woman has her own standard of a beautiful figure, which will serve as an excellent incentive, but you must take into account your constitution.

Old photos, in which once in youth the figure was more ideal, will serve as inspiration, a strong motivator. It is worth putting your favorite clothes and old photos in a prominent place. Daily glances at the photo can be the best motivation.

The favorite clothes you want to wear can be hung next to the mirror. This is good motivation for every day. The clothes will hang in place and each time will remind you that the goal has been set.

photo before and after losing weight

Share your plans with your loved ones

You must approach the process responsibly. Make a plan, writing down ways to accomplish the goal and deadlines. It's important to set goals that any woman can realistically achieve, regardless of her complexion.

It will not be superfluous to tell relatives and friends about your plans, since emotional support is also an incentive. It is good that close people join the slimming process. They will help support the desire of the intention and the goal and will prevent you from eating junk food if you want to.

think and act positively

You can not despair if you did not manage to lose even 1 kg in 1-2 weeks. It is worth focusing your thoughts and physical activity on the fact that everything will work out, but you will have to try. In your enterprise, you must involve close people:

  • play active games with children;
  • visit the gym with your husband;
  • ride a bike in the city.

The right pace is the key to losing weight

When losing weight, it is important to choose a pace that is acceptable to you. You don't have to go to extremes, follow a strict diet or overload yourself with physical or strength training.

A sharp transition to a new way of life will lead to a weakening of health, deterioration of well-being, stress. Long distance running is not recommended.

Overcoming long distances, an unprepared body will quickly fail, and in the morning a person will feel extremely difficult.

Choose a rhythm acceptable to you, increase the load gradually - no more than 10% per week.

Exercise should be fun

You can not exhaust yourself with unbearable physical exertion, as well as postpone the weight loss process indefinitely. If you visit a sports club, you must first consult a sports doctor, take tests and assess the state of your cardiovascular system. In order not to overload the body, you need to choose the optimal training frequency and intensity. Excessive zeal and overexertion will not do you any good.

Yes, your favorite food, but within reasonable limits.

Losing weight correctly and according to the plan means saying yes to your favorite food. You should not limit yourself to daily nutrition, sit with only water and refuse to take foods that contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.

It is important to understand that a proper diet is not a complete ban on food and a refusal to eat. Then you can quickly undermine your health and lose the desire to lose weight. It is permissible to use all products, but in small portions.

Finding an acceptable diet is difficult, but you can consult a nutritionist or trainer. Make a daily diet, a list of training exercises.

High-calorie foods and sweets will have to be abandoned. It is enough to correctly calculate the calories required for each day, since everything will fit. If it's lunch, you can't just eat a packet of dry potato chips, though you should decline an extra dessert.

Motivation to lose weight every day - save the result

So that the motivation does not disappear, the results must be saved and even documented. Recording of results can be done in several ways:

  • preparation of a photo report with the application of signed weight parameters, which were achieved after 2-3 weeks of weight loss;
  • post photos on social networks to get support from friends;
  • find a hobby that allows you to take your mind off the idea of hunger and junk food.

You cannot despair and stop at the results obtained. It is worth rejoicing, fixing even minor results and success in losing weight. It is important to clearly follow the goal, adhere to the established rhythm. If it was not possible to change the figure in a few months, it will be possible in 1-1, 5 years.

The best motivation to lose weight is to set achievable goals. It's important to believe in yourself that everything will work out and not complete your weight loss program if you haven't managed to lose a few pounds by the deadline.

Weight loss and motivation are inseparable. For some women, a powerful motivator is improving their health, for others, becoming an example to their children and friends. It is important to find individual motivators for yourself that will work, despite the difficulties and obstacles ahead.